Here are some before and after makeup photos of Asian girls, some of whom are actually quite popular online.“Oh man! that girl is so damn cute!!” .. um.. Think again!! LOL! Make up can betray any man into thinking a girl is a lot more attractive than she really is. Check out these photos of asian girls before & after their make up sessions. Which girl do you think was the biggest change ? comment below!
Not much to explain…without makeup, they’re either aunties or monsters, even possibly men
Well, the left and right picture are just makeup, yes, but most of these girls obviously had SOME kind of work done. I mean, some of their features look unnatural! Also, it is true that most Asian girls, under immense peer pressure, have plastic surgery (especially on eyes).
The biggest difference I see in some of them are in their eyes. Eyes can completely change your identity. Its common for asian women to use eyelid tape which opens their eyes tremendously and many of the younger girls use circle lenses which makes their eyes look bigger as well.
Before and after makeup photos of Asian girls.
Before and after makeup photos of Asian girls.
Before and after makeup photos of Asian girls.
Which girl do you think was the biggest change ? comment below!
And here ... .The Power of Makeup....
Eyelid surgery, eyelid tape, contacts to make your eyes look bigger, plastic surgery to add more to your nose and make the bridge a little bigger...
Voila. You have just transformed a perfectly fine Asian woman into a Cauc-Asian trainwreck.
very good news,your are good boy!